From January to October 2024, 12 teachers and school administrators from primary schools across Iceland participated in a pilot course titled Life Worth Living: Caring for our Educators and Principals. 

We met four participants at a café in downtown Reykjavik recently and learned about their experiences with the course and how it had impacted both their personal and professional lives. 

"We have formed incredible bonds and trust in this small group of people who did not know each other before this journey began," says Ástrós Rún Sigurðardóttir, assistant principal at Stekkjaskóli in Árborg, as we settle in. Her words are echoed by Jóhann Skagfjörð Magnússon, principal of Garðaskóli in Garðabær, Lilja Dögg Gylfadóttir, a teacher at Áslandsskóli in Hafnarfjörður, and Elín Matthildur Kristinsdóttir, a teacher at Grunnskóli Borgarfjarðar who is about to start working at Framhaldsskólinn in Borgarfjörður. 

They all agree on the value of participating in the course and the joy of getting to know the other participants. “I experienced this as a major ‘me-time’ opportunity, where I was able to take time for myself and engage in deep reflections and discussions without any distractions,” says Elín with a smile. 

Lilja Dögg adds that, in addition to being enriching, the course was also mentally demanding. “It is often revealing, but when you get to know the people in the course—both the facilitators and other participants—you experience professionalism and trust. It’s remarkable how quickly a deep sense of trust developed and how good the atmosphere in the group has been.” 

The others nod in agreement. “Yes, there has been great unity and trust among the participants,” Jóhann affirms. “We laughed a lot together but also had honest and difficult conversations,” he admits. 

“For me, this journey has been about making peace with the past and learning from it, enjoying the present, and being aware of the future—how we envision it and how we intend to get there.” 

Exceeding Expectations 

Was the course approach what you expected, or did anything surprise you? 

They pause to think. Jóhann says the approach took him by surprise, as he wasn’t sure what to expect. “The course instructors are fantastic and engage with the material in various ways. We sat in circles for discussions, worked in pairs and groups, went on walks, visited an art museum, and even had a silent conversation—which was an incredible exercise!” 

Ástrós finds the approach much more impactful than she had anticipated, partly because the instructors are so different from each other and guide discussions and activities using diverse methods based on their expertise. “They led us into deep conversations about life, where everything was discussed openly and thoughtfully,” she explains. 

"Yes, the approach was even deeper than I had dared to hope," Elín points out, "and far exceeded my expectations!" 

Lilja Dögg says she hadn’t formed strong expectations about the course beforehand. She assumed they would be working with materials from the Life Worth Living book but was pleasantly surprised by the variety of methods used to deepen the questions and explore the material. “I hadn’t realized how much intimacy and personal revelation would be involved,” she says. “But of course, each person decides how much they share.” 

Ástrós also appreciated how the perspectives of all participants were respected and valued in the course. “The exercises are very different from what I have encountered before and are great for our inner journey and self-exploration.” 

A Unique Journey 

"Journey" is precisely the word both Ástrós and Lilja Dögg choose when asked to describe their experience of the course in one word. Ástrós notes that the journey, however, was quite different from what she expected. “I thought it would be more work-oriented,” she admits, “but it’s not that at all. Our facilitators emphasized that we don’t discuss work. The focus is on ourselves. It’s truly an inner journey and a reflection on life—which, in one word, is amazing!” 

To Lilja Dögg, the course is a journey through life—the past, the present, and the future. “For me, this journey has been about making peace with the past and learning from it, enjoying the present, and being aware of the future—how we envision it and how we intend to get there,” she explains. 

Elín, on the other hand, prefers the word "awakening" to describe her experience. “That’s because the course constantly opened up new perceptions, thoughts, and perspectives,” she points out. 

Meanwhile, Jóhann feels the word "challenge" best represents his experience. “Because we had to discuss topics and emotions that we rarely take the time to explore in our busy daily lives—or even avoid,” he says. 

Finding passion and purpose again 

The call for participation was published in November 2023, and participants were drawn to it for diverse reasons. 

“I was a bit looking for something that would make me re-evaluate my professional philosophy,” said Ástrós and explained that when she came across the advertisement, she was exhausted from the constant workload of the past three years as assistant principal at a new elementary school, Stekkjaskóli in Árborg. 

“I put everything I had into the work and more, but at some point I felt that I was reaping nothing. I was just tired and thought a lot about whether this was worth it. I wanted to find the joy in my work again, the passion for education and upbringing, to achieve success and be a good role model for both the children and of course for our staff as well. When you have reached the end, you are not a good role model. "Then it's good to see if you can change something, look inward and see what you want to do differently with your life. This [course] was a little bit written in the clouds," she says.  

Wanting to Become a Better Person 

Lilja Dögg, on the other hand, had already familiarized herself with the Life Worth Living course, which Yale University has been developing since 2014 and which Líf sem er lífsins virði is partly based on. She had listened to the authors of the book of the same name discuss it in Iceland over the summer, purchased the book, and decided to read it together with a friend. When the course was advertised, she didn’t need to think twice. “I knew immediately that this was something for me,” she says. “I decided to apply and hoped to be accepted—which I was.” 

Elín says the description of the course simply appealed to her. “It seemed interesting and profound. The description gave away just enough information while hinting that much was left unsaid, and that sparked my curiosity,” she explains, adding that it was clear that a certain level of courage was needed to participate in this project. 

Jóhann, however, saw the course as an opportunity for self-growth and “perhaps even becoming a slightly better person,” as he puts it. As a principal at Garðaskóli in Garðabær, a demanding job, and as a father in a large family, he is acutely aware of the importance of taking care of himself. 

"I have always had strong values in life, a sort of guiding light for myself, partly shaped by my upbringing and relationships with people. Through this journey, I have learned to be a little gentler with myself, to allow myself time and space to reflect, to prioritize myself, and to reassess my interactions with others, even those closest to me." 

Challenging and Liberating 

Do you feel the course has changed how you think about your own life purpose and what truly gives life meaning? And have you made any changes as a result? 

"Yes, absolutely," answers Ástrós. She says it may be difficult to explain to others what kind of course this is, as it affects each participant differently. "I have always had strong values in life, a kind of guiding principle for myself, partly linked to upbringing and relationships with people. In this journey, I have learned to be a little gentler with myself, to allow myself time and space to think about myself and prioritize myself, to reflect on my interactions with others, even those closest to me." 

During the course, Ástrós realized that some relationships had demanded too much from her. “Too many people close to me have only withdrawn from my ‘bank’ without depositing anything in return,” she states candidly. “Through this kind of work [like in the course], you start to sort through things and dare to choose relationships and interactions with people who nourish and strengthen you. As painful as it can be, it is also liberating.” 

 Seeing Things in a New Light 

Lilja Dögg says she has long struggled with negative thoughts, heavy emotions, and a fear of what others think of her. The course helped her see things in a new context and in a clearer light. 

"Above all, it has opened my eyes to the value of my own life and the people around me," she describes. "Who I want to share my time with, who is worth it, and which commitments are truly meaningful." 

As time went on, she found herself reflecting on what truly matters in life. For example, when deciding whether to attend an event or spend time alone or with her family. “I feel less like I am missing out on something. I realize how much my family means to me. And how the small moments, like having dinner together, have taken on a deeper meaning. Even small things, like driving my son somewhere, matter so much. These moments give me the chance to talk with him, travel in silence together, and just be. Reaching the mountain peak in the shortest time possible is no longer the only goal; rather, it’s the companionship with myself or my fellow hikers that is most valuable.” 

Discovered a Clearer Purpose 

Jóhann says he has also sharpened his perspective on life and existence. “Through this course, I have learned to approach situations and people from multiple perspectives, and through that, I have discovered a clearer personal purpose.” He often reflects on the course’s first question: “To whom do we bear responsibility?” In his view, this is a question everyone should ask themselves regularly. “For me, it has led to the realization that I now take on fewer tasks that are simply not mine to handle,” he explains. 

Changed Jobs Midway Through the Course 

The course also marked a turning point for Elín, who says she now feels more confident in herself, who she is, and what she stands for. Shortly after the course began, she realized she needed a new challenge beyond her otherwise interesting and comfortable job and that she was ready for greater responsibility. So, she took the leap and changed her career path midway through the course. “My new job feels like it was tailor-made for me, so I’m very happy,” she says, excited to take on new challenges in her new role. 

Surprised by How Open People Were 

Did you expect to discover these things about yourself, others, and life? 

"I definitely expected the Life Worth Living journey to be a major discovery," replies Elín, who says she enjoyed participating in and listening to the thought-provoking conversations and reflections during the course. "But what surprised me the most was how easy it was to create an atmosphere of trust within the group." 

Lilja Dögg agrees with Elín’s words. She had expected to complete the course with greater self-awareness and improved well-being but was taken aback by the depth of sincerity shown by the participants and how willing they were to be vulnerable—encouraging others to do the same. “What surprised me was how strong and genuine the group was and how quickly we connected from the very first workshop,” she describes. “People who were complete strangers at the start of the course wove a beautiful thread of connection and care.” 

"I Have Finally Started Acting on Things I Knew I Should Have Done All Along" 

New tools and practical retraining 

Jóhann nods in agreement. "The group was a strong unit, and there was a lot of trust and cohesion among the participants," he says. However, what surprised him the most was how practical the course was. “I have finally started acting on things I knew deep down I should have been doing all along.” 

Ástrós was also looking for practical continuing education, new tools for her professional toolkit, but quickly realized that this journey was entirely different from what she had expected. “I found it wonderful to discover that the focus is not on work itself but rather on ourselves, on conversation, trust, expectations, the past, the future, mental nourishment, and peace,” she says. 

A Clearer Perspective on Work 

Ástrós and Jóhann are school administrators, while Lilja Dögg and Elín are teachers, as such it is interesting to know how the course influenced their approach to work and whether it inspired them to change anything in their professional practice. 

They pause to reflect. After experiencing heavy workloads over the past three years, Ástrós says she had lost her passion for her job. The course helped her reignite that passion and remember why she does what she does. 

“I strive to be a good and encouraging leader and role model while also being a supportive colleague,” she says. “At the same time, I stay true to myself and allow myself to dream big. I want us to set goals and dare to make decisions with the well-being of our students in mind.” 

Ástrós also says she has become better at prioritizing her own well-being, taking better care of her health, and engaging in physical activity. “By doing so, I become a better version of myself—a better mother, a better partner, and a better leader.” 

Jóhann agrees with Ástrós that participating in the course has strengthened him professionally, and he feels he has gained a clearer understanding of what he can expect from himself and others. 

“I have also learned many new methods for discussing different perspectives—techniques I had never encountered before, such as silent conversations, which I am very excited to try with my colleagues,” he says with a grin. 

Increased Motivation 

Elín changed jobs midway through the course and says she left her previous position in full agreement and with pride. She looks forward to tackling new challenges in her new role. “The course has helped me allow my heart and a newfound drive to lead me forward,” she says with a smile, adding that she is truly enjoying it. 

Lilja Dögg says she enjoys teaching, making a positive impact, and providing a safe space for children. She does not feel that the course has changed her as a teacher directly. However, it has influenced her approach to fostering independent individuals who feel comfortable in their own skin. 

“Since starting the course, I have deliberately taught my students to speak kindly to themselves, to believe that they can achieve anything they set their minds to, but most importantly, to be good people,” she explains. “I took to heart what we discussed about how facial expressions, body language, and nonverbal communication affect others. It is crucial for me as a teacher to ensure I clearly communicate my intentions so that students do not feel discouraged. I am making a conscious effort to follow through on that.” 

"The course is simply a fantastic way to reflect inward and strengthen one’s own values and perspective on life and others. I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone." 

Highly Recommended 

Finally, why should teachers, school administrators, and others who want to develop as leaders in their personal and professional lives take part in a course like Life Worth Living? 

Jóhann responds immediately: “The course is simply a fantastic way to reflect inward and sharpen one's personal philosophy and outlook on life and others. I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.” 

Elín agrees, recommending it for “anyone who wants to find a deeper sense of purpose in both their work and personal life.” 

Lilja Dögg highlights the importance of being in balance, managing emotions, and cultivating patience—especially in a demanding profession like teaching. The course has brought her closer to herself and given her a deeper inner peace. 

Ástrós concludes, “To take part in Life Worth Living, you need to be open, honest, and genuinely interested in people and humanity.” 

With these closing words, we thank Ástrós, Jóhann, Lilja Dögg, and Elín for their time and wish them the best in their future journeys. 

Project Number: KA220-SCH-39808481

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.