Our Facilitators
Our Facilitators

Mr. Alexander Evtimov
Who am I?
I am an ordinary human being with shine and shadow.
What do I do?
I am an agent of change.
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
It is like LWL chose me. I smelled it and touched it and than said yes.
What brings me joy?

Mrs. Magi Blagoeva
Who am I?
Human being, full with feeling, needs, curiosity and passion on a journey of self-examination and discovery
What do I do?
I search what life is. I search for meaning, connection, potential and beauty.
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
It aligns with my values in this life, with the search for meaning and well-being in a shared space and togetherness with other human beings.
It asks the questions I ask myself and searches for answers too.
It is open, welcoming and accepting.
It also came with the flow of life to me.
What brings me joy?
Human authenticity and connection. Honesty. Trust. Inspiration. Art. Play. Human potential. People, following their passions. Movement and dancing.

Mr. Lachezar Afrikanov
Who am I?
A father and a husband, trying to make change in the world for good.
What do I do?
I teach myself and other people how to add value to other people.
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
Pursuit of meaning is a key driver for my personal and professional life. Tapping into different strands of human wisdom seems a very powerful way to rediscover meaning and embed it in my daily existence.
What brings me joy?
Being in the here and now. Having a walk with my family in the park.

Mrs. Andrea RC Kasper
Who am I?
On one hand I am but dust and ashes on the other I profoundly matter. I am doing my best to walk gently through the world as a child, parent, partner, sibling, friend, teacher, student and stranger.
What do I do?
I try to connect people by encouraging compassion and the desire to understand.
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
From the first conversation I had about LWL I knew that it reflected a way of trying to be in the world that I desired and that it would continue to challenge me and others to be present, caring and connecting people.
What brings me joy?
Traveling the world with my family and eating wonderful food together.
Connecting with others.
Learning to notice the small things like how the mountains turn pink in the winter light.

Mrs. María Kristín Gylfadóttir
Who am I?
A complex strong person and at the same time a delicate flower that is sometimes easy to bend but not break.
What do I do?
I wake up most mornings to do my work, not my job. When I feel I am only doing my job I pause. My work is to connect people, support them in realizing their strengths, their passions, their dreams. My work is also to make someone´s life better, one step at the time.
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
For years I have pondered the questions Life Worth Living asks, especially what is a good and meaningful life, what is a flourishing life? While Idon´t think there is one answer to these big life questions I believe it is important we keep asking them and engaging in conversations with others about them. LWL offers me a meaningful approach to do so.
What brings me joy?
Waking up in the morning – having the opportunity to discover and make my mark on yet another day – brings me joy. As I add more years to my life I have come to realize the beauty and importance of small things – such as a beautiful sky or a calm winter morning. Seeing the people I care about grow brings me joy and connection with people, especially those who make me laugh, brings me joy. Getting engulfed in a good book brings me joy and cooking and eating good food is an everlasting joy for me.

Mr. Ólafur Páll Jónsson
Who am I?
I am from Iceland, grew up in a small village in the southeast where I enjoyed the freedom of childhood in a rural setting. I moved to Reykjavík to study philosophy at the University of Iceland, from where I went to Canada to continue my studies. My journey continued in the USA where I earned a Ph.D. in philosophy. I have also lived in Spain for two years with my family of four, in Granada. This gave me insight into a new culture and provided me with new insights into the life of children, which I wrote about in a children’s book about a treasure hunt in Granada (in Icelandic “Frjársjóðsleit í Granada” and in Spanish “La búsqueda del tesoro en Granada” (https://www.alhulia.es/es/producto/busqueda-del-tesoro-en-granada/))
What do I do?
I am a professor of philosophy at the School of Education, University of Iceland. This has also given me the opportunity to participate in the work of the Council of Europe on democratic education, and to work with colleagues in the Nordic Countries on sustainability education.
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
For as long as I can remember, I have pondered the question of what makes a worthy life. both through reading philosophical texts and good literature and in conversations with friends and family. When the opportunity came to participate in the LWL project, I was this as an ideal way to extend this personal and professional journey.
What brings me joy?
Many things bring me joy, some of them trivial, others bigger. The other day, when I took my bike out to go to work, I saw Venus shining bright just below the sickle shaped moon. This brought me joy. Reading a good book may bring me joy. Being with my family brings me joy. Seeing several ducklings swim in a line following their mother brings me joy. Succeeding in fixing something broken brings me joy. Seeing justice done brings me joy.

Mrs. Giulia d'Annibale
Who am I?
A human being who has not figured out who she is yet, convinced that listening to others is a way to discover oneself.
What do I do?
I ask a lot of questions and try to help others to ask just as many.
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
LWL came suddenly. It was not really a choice but a wonderful discovery. I decided to say yes to this path because I felt that I could grasp something that I had not yet grasped
What brings me joy?
Being always curious, looking for new questions and surrounding myself with curious people.

Mrs. Lisa Avarello
Who am I?
A passionate person who loves meeting new people and discover each person’s ideas and potentialities. I appreciate team work and the magic that spreads from it.
What do I do?
I question myself on the actions to take for improving my life and others’.
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
It started as a project to understand and it became a fully appreciated approach of discovery and reflection that is worthy of my time and interest.
What brings me joy?
Nature, connecting with people, coffee and riding my bike.

Mrs. Antonella Alessi
Who am I?
A curious person looking for little moments of peace and beauty in this messy world. I always look for new things to learn, exchange and experience.
What do I do?
I do my best for combating hate and spread kindness and understanding.
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
Because the journey for discovering oneself and the purpose of life is never-ending and to connect with people on the same path can only be enriching
What brings me joy?
Natural landscapes, little moments of light mind, the wonder of the new, in people, places and experiences

Mrs. Anniek Gavriilakis
Who am I?
A woman walking the earth as a relative to all that live.
What do I do?
Feeling it all. Enjoying pure beauty in all aspects of life. Expressing my soul.
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
It was an invitation that felt very aligned with who I am. Proud to be part of this profound life project.
What brings me joy?
Beauty. Courage. Expression. Freedom. Connection. People following their unique and original movements in Life.

Mrs. Georgia Alexandrou
Who am I?
An ensemble of identities in existential crisis, going forward while stealing glances backwards
What do I do?
I navigate in contexts looking for potential and going against the waves.
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
At first, I was curious about the answer. Then I found myself trapped in a journey where creating the answer is the answer. And that liberated me.
What brings me joy?
Nature. Long talks and long walks. Inspiration and aspiration. Being present.

Mrs. Marinetta Kritikou
Who am I?
I am human, with all that comes with that. Sensitivity, empathy, love, which I try to pass on to other human beings in my daily life. Also with complexity, confusion at times and always searching for the deeper meaning. |
What do I do?
I am a psychologist and through my profession I try to pass on hope and meaning to others as well. I try to spread joy and encourage people to express the beauty of their inner world. |
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
The concept of LWL just fit to me, my mindset, my philosophy. When I heard about it, I thought “This is my chance to figure out how to communicate this mindset, that makes me happy and peaceful, with other people!”. I have always tried to find a way to do that and LWL seemed right to the point! |
What brings me joy?
Being with people I love, being in nature, being with animals, spending time peacefully with myself, travelling, pass on joy to others and accept it back with gratitude. |

Mrs. An Yskout
Who am I?
A frisky fighter, driven by education and growth of people and organizations. Dancing from concepts to practice and back. Hopping between the richness of all kinds of worlds: youth work, organizational development, coaching, spirituality, creativity, movement, nutrition, ...
What do I do?
Building bridges, creating places of freedom and courage, initiating wildness, living, learning by trial and error, searching, ...
Why I chose LWL? Why I said yes to LWL?
A full 'yes' to: search for value, a shared journey, a place to think and explore freely, power of education, life!
What brings me joy?
Sun on my face, connection, the beauty of a person, nature, releasing the wildness, feeling alive.
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