Introducing the Facilitator Training Trainers

In launching the work of LIFE: Caring for Our Educators and Principals, the partnership engaged two external experts to craft, design, plan for and run the facilitator training that was held in Bulgaria, September 2023. Fifteen facilitators from Bulgaria, Greece, Iceland, Italy and Belgium had the privilege of being trained by Rev. Dr. Angela Gorrell and Dr. Joshua Forstenzer whose extensive experience as master educators and within the work of Life Worth Living enriched everyone.
Throughout the retreat, both Angela and Josh ensured that participants experienced the exploration of the Life Worth Living questions as well as time to reflect on the practices and methods that brought those questions to life. In addition to their experience and expertise, both Angela and Josh shared their love of dancing and joy with all.
Dr. Angela Gorrell was at the ground level in developing the Life Worth Living course at Yale University developing and articulating many of the questions used today throughout Life Worth Living Courses. She is a master educator who develops trusting relationships with students and retreat participants with ease and who uses diverse methods to help people excavate their own lives to better understand their thinking, their assumptions, and their allegiances. In creating spaces where life giving learning communities can thrive, Angela, embodies the power of transformative relationships within education. During the facilitator training retreat, Angela shared her expertise and sessions which included several methods (guided meditation, fish bowl, silent conversations, and the use of space to teach). Angela is a successful author, speaker and retreat facilitator.
Joshua Forstenzer, has been part of Life Worth Living for several years as a co-professor of Life Worth Living at the University of Sheffield. With extensive experience in Philosophy for Children and leading Communities of Inquiry, Josh enriched the training with his approaches. Josh’s commitment to education stems from his knowledge that relationships are at the core of all meaningful learning and that learners need to be making many of the key decisions about their learning. During the training Josh supported pedagogical reflection and decision making among the participants as they began to consider how to facilitate the in-country retreats.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.