Life Worth Living: Caring for our Educators and Principals applications were opened across Europe this fall

Principals and educators from Iceland, Bulgaria, Italy, Belgium and Greece were invited to apply to take part in the LIFE journey. This journey invites participants to explore and analyze for themselves what makes a life worth living within a live-giving learning community. By mid-January all calls were closed and a total of 187 principals and educators applied for a total of 60 spots.
Belgium: 25 applicants
Iceland: 30 applicants
Bulgaria: 50 applicants
Greece: 62 applicants
Italy: 20 applicants
The application pool was rich and making decisions about the 12 participants in each country was not easy. Each cohort will be participating in two retreats in their country and one international retreat next fall.
As we step into the new year the first LIFE retreats are underway. During this first retreat participants will be building a learning community, committing fully to the entire journey together, and exploring two questions:
- To Whom am I responsible?
- How do I act?
Stay tuned for news from each of the first retreats.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.