Autor: admin
Text doesn’t have to have words: Reading art in LIFE
Walking into the National Gallery of Iceland in Reykjavik, the Icelandic LIFE participants, sat on foldable stools facing a painting. This time the texts would offer no written language, no letters on a page. Instead, the text the participants were “reading” was visual art. Through an engagement with art participants expanded their thinking on any…
Keep communicating: that's the lesson I take away as principal
In 2024, 11 Flemish teachers and school directors take part in the European LIFE project. They start a search for the meaning of their personal and professional lives and reflect on important life questions. But how does such a journey effect a person? And does LIFE also have an impact on their job? We asked Leen Langenbick, principal of Torhout…
From teaching quality to well-being: what do you focus on as a school?
Nele Verdonck is pupils’ coordinator of the Flemish secondary school Dalthonatheneum Het Leerlabo. Together with her principal Hilde Raets, she participates in the LIFE project. «Over the past few years, Hilde and I have focused on more connection within the school team and more room for authenticity. That was an intense journey. So the LIFE…
Life Worth Living lands in Sicily
The Life Worth Living project has had its meaningful impact also in Italy, and specifically in Sicily where the CSC Danilo Dolci operates, being it one of the organizations that is part of this thrilling path of discovery of the approach of the project.Indeed, in the green countryside of Palermo, Sicily, twelve chosen educators and…
The Depth of the LIFE Experience by Lisa Avarello
When the Life: Caring for our Educators and Principals project was approved and, as a project manager of the CSC Danilo Dolci – one of the partner organizations- it was placed in my hands, I had no idea that it would be a life changing experience both on a personal and professional level.The topic was…
The Life Worth Living Platform: Enhancing Educator Well-being and Professional Growth
The Life Worth Living Platform (LIFE Platform) is designed to enhance the well-being of educators and trainers by providing a supportive space for self-discovery and professional growth.This platform transcends traditional e-learning paradigms by combining the exploration of profound life questions with the development of modern teaching skills, thus creating a holistic growth experience. At its…
Exploring Life’s Big Questions: A Journey Through the LIFE Course
LIFE: Caring for our Educators and Principals is more than just a course—it’s a transformative journey that invites educators and principals to explore life’s most profound questions and discover their own path as they determine what is the shape of a flourishing life. Through a diverse range of resources tailored to different languages and cultures,…
Measuring the Immeasurable By Lachezar Afrikanov
The Life Worth Living programme offers a deep learning journey for all us, facilitators and participants. It brings a lot of deep questions and provides space for deep answers.Teachers and school leaders from Bulgaria, Greece, Iceland, Italy and Belgium have the opportunity to engage in a heartfelt exploration of their own meaning of a life…
Coming home by Ólafur Páll Jónsson
After three weeks away, first in Athens and then in Palermo for a partner meeting, I was finally back home. Those were wonderful three weeks, but as the saying goes: There is no place like home. While waiting to be picked up at the airport, I went outside to feel the cold wind on my…
Life worth living in the snow – A very wintery retreat
The Life Worth Living journey continues with teachers and professionals in Europe, to be more exact in Iceland, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy and Greece. The first retreats have already been held in the different countries and this coming week (February 22nd and 23rd) the project partners will meet in Palermo to compare their experiences and learn…